MiNo. 990 (Souvenir Sheet 43) Genf
MiNo. 1582 (Souvenir Sheet 48) New York
Comb. Opr. und Hfpr.; Imprint fl.; perf. K 12
Souvenir Sheet, Issue Date: 02.12.2016
Picture descriptions:
anm, anc, bla) Monkey King; Figure from the novel "The Journey to the West" by Wu Cheng'en (around 1500-1582)
955 1.70 € multicolored aok
990 2 Fr multicolored aot
1582 1.15 $ multicolored bla
Souvenir Sheet issue with MiNo. 955 (Vienna), 990 (Geneva) and MiNo. 1582 (NY)
Souvenir Sheet 42 (Vienna), 43 (Geneva), 48 (NY) (149 mm x 105 mm) aol, aou, blb
Sales Price Vienna: 5,42 €
Sales Price Geneva: 5.85 Fr.
Sales Price NY: 6 US$
Quantity: 23.000 pieces
Designer: unknown
Printer: unknown
Conservation Status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Souvenir Sheet
Issue notice:
- Souvenir Sheet 42 is identical to United Nations - Geneva Souvenir Sheet 43 and United Nations - New York Souvenir Sheet 48. It also contains 1 stamp each of the other two postal administrations, but only MiNo. 955 in the postal sector United Nations - Vienna valid for postage.
- Souvenir Sheet 43 is identical to United Nations - New York Souvenir Sheet 48 and United Nations - Vienna Souvenir Sheet 42. It also contains 1 stamp each of the two other postal administrations, but only MiNo. 990 in the postal sector United Nations - Geneva valid for postage.
- Souvenir Sheet 48 is identical to United Nations - Geneva Souvenir Sheet 43 and United Nations - Vienna Souvenir Sheet 42. It also contains 1 stamp each of the two other postal administrations, but only MiNo. 1582 in the postal area United Nations - New York valid for postage.