Odr., X = Wmk 3, perf. K 13 1/4; Y = Wmk 11, perf. K 12 1/2:13
PK(143b), Issue date: 28/04/1972
Picture descriptions:
ke) King Bhumibol Aduljadeh
Logo of the Red Cross Fair 1976
624 25 S redbrown ke
Quantity PK(143b): 10,000 pieces
Printer: Joh. Enschede, Netherland
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Prepaid Postcard to Red Cross Fair 1976 on "IVORY-COLORED" Paper, Printer Ministry of Finance, Japan
Issue Notice:
- PK(143a) on white Paper, Joh. Enschede, Netherland
- PK(143b) on ivory Paper , Ministry of Finance, Japan
- MiNo. 623Y, 625Y and 629Y have a slightly larger format and smaller value than MiNo digits. 623X, 625X, and 629X
- MiNo. 623X with imprint: MiNo. 2463; in the same drawing: MiNo. 653-654, 685, 711-712, 857-858, 930-931