• Revolutionary Council

    After persistent separatist aspirations of the Shan endangered national unity, under General Ne Win took on 2 March 1962 a coup d'etat and a revolutionary council under his leadership took over the government. Ne Win outlined in a declaration the Burmese Way to Socialism, which included the goals of social justice, equality of all ethnic groups, the fight against Westernization and the creation of cooperatives. As Chairman of the Revolutionary Council Ne Win officiated at the same time as President by the year 1981 chairman of the Burma Socialist Program Party and thus de facto "strong man" of the country he remained even until 1988 Ne Win schottete the country for the next decades, largely from abroad from.

    On February 15, 1963, the Revolutionary Council approved the nationalization of wholesale and retail trade, banking and industry. The attempt of the Chinese embassy in Rangoon to extend the Maoist Cultural Revolution on Burma, led in June 1967 to a serious conflict with the People's Republic of China and riots against the Chinese resident in Burma. On December 15, 1971, the former Prime Minister U Nu of his Thai exile called for armed resistance against the military regime of Ne Win.
    • 1972 was agreed by the year 1990 with the People's Republic of China an interest-free loan of 30 million British pounds for Burma.
    • In April 1972, retired from 21 cabinet members from the Army, including heads of state and head of government Ne Win and Foreign Minister Hla Han.
    • From 1 January 1973, some 70 companies in the textile, food and chemical industry were nationalized.

    According to the High Command of the Armed Forces around 3,000 insurgents of the National United Liberation Front (Nulf) have been killed since the summer of 1971 under the leadership of U Nu in the north-east of the country and captured more than 500.
    • On February 23, 1973, the establishment of diplomatic relations with the German Democratic Republic took place. On 9 August 1973, the regime signed with the Federal Republic of Germany a new capital support agreement.
    • On January 4, 1974, General Ne Win called from the Socialist Federal Republic of Burma, in which he himself served again as president. 1979 left Burma the Non-Aligned Movement States and on November 9, 1981 sparked San Yu General Ne Win as president from.

    A bomb attack on 9 October 1983, at the north of the capital, Rangoon 19 people were killed; including four cabinet members from South Korea. In the dead it was Kim Jae Ik, Sook Suh Joon, Hahn Pyong Choon Lee Bum Suk and Foreign Minister. According to studies North Korea was officially accused of having perpetrated the attack.

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