Odr.; Wmk 13;, A = K perf. 14 1/4:14 1/2; B = imperforated
Souvenir Sheet, Issue date: 13/04/1993
P.A.T., Issue Date: 19.06.1994
Picture descriptions:
ayn) demon riding on cock, zodiac signs
1557 A 2 B multicolored ayn
Souvenir sheet issue with MiNo. 1557A and 1557B
Souvenir Sheet 49 AXIV (80x100 mm) ayo
Souvenir Sheet 49 BXIV (80x100 mm) ayo
Quantity: 1.300.000 pieces
P.A.T. Quantity: 500 pieces
Designer: Mr. Marong Kaewsawang
Printer: Leigh Mardon PTY., Ltd., Australia
Conservation Status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Set of perforated and imperforated P.A.T. Overprint Souvenir Sheets
Issue Notice:
- Special Souvenir Sheet of the P.A.T. Action Day 1994 at Anorma Hotel, Bangkok from 19.06.1994 with "RED METALLIC" Overprint