100th anniversary of Admiral Prince Abhakara's death -PREPAID PC(I)-

100th anniversary of Admiral Prince Abhakaras death -PREPAID PC(I)- 100th anniversary of Admiral Prince Abhakaras death -PREPAID PC(I)- 100th anniversary of Admiral Prince Abhakaras death -PREPAID PC(I)-

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MiNo. 3999B - 4000B PPC(I) Thailand
Opr (5x2 and 2x2); A = perf. K 13 1/4:13 1/2; B = imperforated
Prepaid Post Card, issue date: November 20, 2023
Picture descriptions:
eyu) Prince Abhakara in admiral's uniform
eyv) Prince Abhakara with shirt in Raj pattern
3999 B  8 B multicolored eyu
4000 B  8 B multicolored eyv
Quantity PPC: 5,000 copies
Designer: Ms. Mayuree Narknisorn (Thailand Post)
Printer: T.K.S. Technologies Public Company Limited, Thailand

Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Set of Prepaid Post Cards with imprint of 8 Baht Stamps
Issue Notice:
  • Prince Abhakara Kiartivongse was born on 19 December 1880 and he started his education in the palace.
  • In late 1893, his father, King Rama V, sent Prince Abhakara and his brother Prince Vajiravudh to study military science in England.
  • The king's decision was motivated by the recent loss of Siam's Laotian territories to France's "Gunboat Policy" (R.E. 112 incident),
    Prince Abhakara moved to The Limes, a naval preparatory school for Britannia Royal Naval College at Greenwich, before commencing sea training in April 1897 aboard the Siamese vessel"Maha Chakri".
  • His Royal Highness was accepted as a midshipman (officer cadet) in the Royal Navy and was posted to the battleship HMS Revenge in November 1897,
    and subsequently served in HMS Ramillies, the sloop HMS Cruiser and the reconnaissance vessel HMS Hawk. he was also accepted to study at the Naval College at Greenwich.
  • Prince Abhakara returned to Siam in 1900 to serve in the development of Royal Siamese Navy. He was made Director of the Naval Education Department and worked hard to establish the Royal Thai Naval academy,
    creating curriculum and courses to train cadets to international standards, often teaching many subjects himbelf.
  • The Prince also laid foundation for Siam in the study of semaphoT, still now being used in Navies all over the world and the science of metrology, hydrography and meteorology, the last of which developed into th0 Thai Meteorological Department of today.
  • Thus, he was subsequently named Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Siamese Navy in 1903-10, in which role he contributed significantly to the modernisation of the force by, setting up the Naval rating school for conscripted forces, and conducting sea training and simulation battles to further train his students in seamanship. His hands-on approach to train his students earned him the love and respect of all navy men and the name "Sadet Tia".
  • Between 1911 and 1917, Prince Abhakara was removed from public duties possibly due to rumours of his implication in a plot against the King.
  • During this rest period, the Prince intensively studied meditation, and traditional Thai forms of healing and protective magic, as well as folk healing and herbal medicine.
  • At his home, he set up a modern laboratory to test out Thai traditional medicine, compiling the knowledge into a Thai traditional medicine manual, and also treated ill and mostly poor people free of charge.
  • Therefore he was called "Mor Phon" (Doctor Phon). In 1922, while still serving as Chief of General Staff of the Navy, His Royal Highness saw that Sattahip Bay Area was a strategic site for the establishment of a naval base and requested the use of royal land in Sattahip The base was then established, and gradually developed into the present-day naval facilities.
  • Not long after becoming the Commander-in-Chief of the Siamese Navy in 1923, Prince Abhakara resigned from office on the grounds of ill health.
  • He travelled for rehabilitation to Monthon Surat for a month, and then to Hat Ree beach in Chumphon province.
  • He contracted influenza after an accidental exposure to cold rain, which worsened his condition sharply, and died at the age of 42, on 19 May 1923.

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