MiNo. 2038C (Souvenir Sheet 138) Thailand
Opr.; A = K perf. 14 3/4:14; C = perf. K 13 1/2; B = imperforated
Souvenir Sheet, Issue date: 21.10.2000
Image descriptions:
bwv) Queen Mother Nakharindra Barommarajjonnani (1900-1995); Relief with scenes from her life, Wat Anongkaram
2038 C 2 B multicolored bwv
Souvenir Sheet issue with MiNo. 2038C
Souvenir Sheet 138 (125x90 mm??) bww
Post Price: 8 B
Quantity: 200,000 pieces
Printer: Thai British Security Printing Public Company Limited, Thailand
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH) " perforated Souvenir Sheet
Issue Notice: