Odr.; A = perf. K 14 1/2: 14; C = perf. 13 1/4: 13 1/2
Set, Issue date: 04/08/2008
Picture descriptions:
ddu) Not issued 1-Fuang mark (1883) and various modern editions
ddv) post office once and now
ddw) post office counter once and now
ddx) Postbus once and now
ddy) Postman once and now
2731 A 3 B multicolored ddu
2732 A 3 B multicolored ddv
2733 A 3 B multicolored ddw
2734 A 3 B multicolored ddx
2735 A 3 B multicolored ddy
Quantity: 1,000,000 pieces
Designer: Udorn Niyomthum (Thailand Post Company Limited)
Printer: Cartor Security Printing, France
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" set of 14 1/2:14 perforated stamps
Issue Notice:
- The color specified at Souvenir Sheet 223 a-k refers to the predominant color impression of the Souvenir Sheet edge.
- Post price 35 baht each.