Opr .; A = perf. K 14; B = imperforated with printed perforation
Souvenir Sheet-FDC(I), Issue date: 06/28/1971
Picture descriptions:
cf) workers from factories
cg) Crowd with flags of Burma
ch) transfer of a document
ci) Flag of the People's Party of Burma
222 B 5 P multicolored cf
223 B 15 P multicolored cg
224 B 25 P multicolored ch
225 B 50 P multicolored ci
Souvenir sheet issue with MiNo. 222B-225B
Souvenir Sheet 1 (178 mm x 127 mm) cj
Quantity FDC(I): unknown
Designer: unknown
Printer: unknown
Conservation status:
Here as a Souvenir Sheet FDC (Version I) with imperforated (printed perforation) Souvenir Sheet and First day special postmark
Issue Notice:
Nearly all Souvenir Sheets have slight stains and / or darkened rubber. This is due to the paper used at that time and the rubber used and on the other hand, to the mostly poor storage in Myanmar. Snow White Souvenir Sheets are very rare and traded with a multiple price!