Opr.; Wmk. 1; A = perf. K 14:14 3/4, C = perf. K 13 1/2; B = imperforated
Full Sheet, date of issue: 7/23/1998
Picture descriptions:
btz I) ASEAN emblem; Circle with flags of the member countries, flag in the middle: Brunei
btz II) ASEAN emblem, flag in the middle: Indonesia
btz III) ASEAN emblem, flag in the middle: Laos
btz IV) ASEAN emblem, flag in the middle: Malaysia
btz V) ASEAN emblem, flag in the middle: Myanmar
btz VI) ASEAN emblem, flag in the middle: Philippines
btz VII) ASEAN emblem, flag in the middle: Singapore
btz VIII) ASEAN emblem, flag in the middle: Thailand
btz IX) ASEAN emblem, flag in the middle: Vietnam
1623 A 550 K multicolored btz I
1624 A 550K multicolored btz II
1625 A 550K multicolored btz III
1626 A 550K multicolored btz IV
1627 A 550K multicolored btz V
1628 A 550K multicolored btz VI
1629 A 550K multicolored btz VII
1630 A 550K multicolored btz VIII
1631 A 550K multicolored btz IX
Quantity BO(II): 10,000 pieces
Designer: unknown
Printer: unknown
Conservation status:
Here as a "CANCELLED G(I)" perforated Set as Full Sheet, BO(II), with 5 Set´s
Issue Notice:
- MiNo. 1623 A?1631 A were printed horizontally in one piece.
- MiNo. 1623 C?1631 C were printed together in sheetlets with 1 decorative field.
- ATTENTION: The stamp sheets of this size are unfortunately usually folded centrally in the perforation. But that is not up to us, but rather to the postal administrations.
This buckling can lead to tears in the perforation, especially at the edges of the sheet.