StTpr.; A = perf. K 13; B = imperforated
Proof, date of issue: November 2nd, 1971
Picture descriptions:
kv) Laotian woman's hairdress, similar to MiNr. 13th
kw) So player, similar to MiNr. 64
kx) Dance of the king's son Rama, similar to MiNr. 48
ky) Collecting gifts from the Buddhist monks, similar to MiNr. 70
323 B 30 K multicolored kv
324 B 40 K multicolored kw
325 B 50 K multicolored kx
326 B 125 K multicolored (FP) ky
Quantity: unknown
Designer: unknown
Printer: unknown
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" imperforated Proof-set
Issue notice: