StTpr.; A = perf. K 13; B = imperforated
FDC(I), Issue date: 24/05/1956
Picture descriptions:
c) Gautama in the gesture of touching the earth (Bhumisparshamudra), Monastery Mahathat, Thailand, Savankhalok, east, sanctuary, stone colossal statue of the 14th century; Monks, Bodhi Tree
49 A 2 K maroon ac
50 A 3 K gray ac
51 A 5 K lilabraun ac
52 A 20 K carmine (FP) ac I
53 A 30 K olive / Olive Drab (FP) ac I
Quantity FDC(I): unknown
Designer: unknown
Printer: Government Printing Works, Paris
Conservation status:
Here as a FDC (Version I) with perforated Set and first day cancellation
Issue Notice: