Opr.; A = perf. K 12 1/2:12 3/4; B = imperforated
Set, Issue date: 03/09/1983
Picture descriptions:
yg-yn) Painting by Raffael (1483-1520), Italian painter
yg) St. Katharina
yh) Adoration of the Magi
yi) Madonna del Granduca
yn) Coronation of the Virgin Mary (detail)
yk) Saint George and Dragon
yl) The Vision of Ezekiel
ym) Adoration of the Magi
631 A 0.50 K multicolored yg
632 A 1 K multicolored yh
633 A 2 K multicolored yi
634 A 3 K multicolored yk
635 A 4 K multicolored yl
636 A 10 K multicolored ym
Quantity: 20,000 sets
Designer: unknown
Printer: unknown
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated Set
Issue Notice: