Odr. (10x10); perf. K 13 1/2
Stamp Sheet, date of issue: 8.8.2015
Picture descriptions:
fsv) emblem with flag, rice
4985 13 P multicolored fsv
Quantity BO(III): 1.010 pieces
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Stamp Sheet with 100 Stamps
Issue Notice:
The Stamp sheets are stored Due often buckled in the middle within the perforation. Therefore, most sheets have a crease! - Parallel issue with Burma MiNo. 440-441, Brunei MiNo. 804, Indonesia MiNo. 3204, Cambodia MiNo. 2562, Laos MiNo. 2286, Malaysia MiNo. 2207, Philippines MiNo. 4985, Thailand MiNo. 3511, Vietnam MiNo. 3693, Singapore MiNo. 2345