Opr.; A = perf. K 13; C = perf. K 14 1/4; B = imperforated
KB(I), Issue date: 26.10.2007
Picture descriptions:
cyv) coconut harvest
cyw) snack boat to a dock
cyx) woodcarvers
cza) shadow-doll makers
czb) Flower Stall
czc) Reuse makers
cyy) Buddhist monk in the boat
cyz) sky lanterns
czd) Boats of fruit dealers
cze) elephants move logs
2599 A 3 B multicolored cyv
2600 A 3 B multicolored cyw
2601 A 3 B multicolored cyx
2602 A 3 B multicolored cyy
2603 A 3 B multicolored cyz
2604 A 3 B multicolored cza
2605 A 3 B multicolored czb
2606 A 3 B multicolored czc
2607 A 3 B multicolored czd
2608 A 3 B multicolored cze
Quantity KB(I): 5,000,000 pieces
Printer: Thai British Security Printing, Bangkok
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated Small Sheet
Issue notice:
- MiNo. 2599A-2608A was printed contiguously in mini-sheets of 10 stamps and different personalized sheet
- There are also under the name "Stamp Pack" sheetlet with 5 different stamps of this set, which were sold in plastic-wrapped from the supermarket chain "7 Eleven" for 20 baht.
- Stamp Pack I (07.04.2014): Stamp series 2603, 2600-2601, 2608-2604, outer edge lively opal green
- Stamp Pack II (07.04.2014): Stamp series 2607, 2604-2601, 2605-2608, outer edge light gray red
- Stamp Pack III (05.01.2015): Stamp series 2603, 2600-2601, 2608-2604, outer edge light blue
- Stamp Pack IV (05.01.2015): Stamp series 2603, 2600-2601, 2608-2604, outer edge light pink
- MiNo. 2599C-2608C were printed contiguously in mini-sheets of 10 stamps
- There are also various personalized sheet