KB(I), Date of issue: 01.01.2016
Picture descriptions:
(a-j) Rabbit line of interbreeding
(a) Thai Rabbit
(b) Holland Lop
(c) Netherland Dwarf
(d) American Fuzzy Lop
(e) French Lop
(f) Polish
(g) Mini Lop
(h) Mini Rex
(i) Dutch
(j) Lion Head
2559-01 multicolored (a)
2559-02 multicolored (b)
2559-03 multicolored (c)
2559-04 multicolored (d)
2559-05 multicolored (s)
2559-06 multicolored (f)
2559-07 multicolored (g)
2559-08 multicolored (h)
2559-09 multicolored (i)
2559-10 multicolored (j)
Issued by: The Anti-Tuberculosis Association of Thailand under the Royal Patronage of HM the King, 1281 Phaholyothin Road, Bangkok, Thailand 10400
Quantity: unknown
Designer: unknown
Printer: unknown
Conservation Status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Welfare Sheet
Issue Notice: