Odr. (5x4); A = perf. K 14 3/4:14; C = perf. K 13 1/2
Stamp Sheet, Issue date: 30.3.1999
Picture descriptions:
bpz) kite flying
bra) tire rolls
brb) Golden Cart
brc) Petrifying
1909 A 2 B multicolored bpz
1910 A 2 B multicolored bra
1911 A 15 B multicolored brb
1912 A 15 B multicolored brc
Quantity BO(I): 25,000 pieces
Designer: Mr. Theerapun Lopaiboon
Printer: Thai British Security Printing, Bangkok
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Set of Stamp Sheets with 20 Set´s
Issue Notice:
- MiNo. 1909A-1912A are also included in a stamp booklet; see at MiNo. 2004-2007