Opr.; X = Wmk 3, perf. K 13 1/4; Y = Wmk 11, perf. 12 1/2:13; B = imperforated
Set, Issue date: 01.06.1976
Picture descriptions:
623 Y 20 S grey ultramarin (01.06.1976) ke
625 Y 75 S violett (01.06.1976) ke
629 Y 10 B orangered/dark carmin brown (01.09.1976) ke
712 Y 40 B dark chrom/light violett (01.10.1976) ke
Quantity: 623Y 12.000.000; 625Y 30.000.000; 629Y 1.000.000; 712Y 2.000.000 pieces
Designer: unknown
Printer: Druckerei Suomen Pankin Setelipaino, Bank of Finland Security Printing House, Finland
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Set of perforated single stamp or as in the article title, the article picture and / or article number described as a pair, Block of 4 with and/or without edge, as Block of 4 with imprint on edge and/or perforate or not perforate. Decisive for the delivery is the ARTICLE TITLE, the ARTICLE PICTURE or the ARTICLE NUMBER!
Issue Notice:
- MiNo. 623Y, 625Y and 629Y have a slightly larger format and smaller value than MiNo digits. 623X, 625X, and 629X
- MiNo. 623X with imprint: MiNo. 2463; in the same drawing: MiNo. 653-654, 685, 711-712, 857-858, 930-931
- X = Printer The Government Printing Bureau, Ministry of Finance, Japan (short: JAPAN)
- Y = Printer Suomen Pankin Setelipaino, Bank of Finland Security Printing House, Finland (short: FINLAND)