Opr.; 2; A = perf. K 14, landscape formats A = perf. K 13 1/2:13; B = imperforated
Set, date of issue: April 11, 1939
Picture descriptions:
a) King and lions
b) King and dragons
c) Royal barge
d) working elephant
e) Plowing the rice field
f) Sailing ship on the Irrawadi
g) King and peacock
h) King and temple dancers
D15 A 3 P light purple a (20)
D16 A 6 P ultramarine a (21)
D17 A 9 P yellow-green a (22)
D18 A 1 A brown b (23)
D19 A 1 1/2 A green b (24)
D20 A 2 A red b (25)
D21 A 2 A 6 P brown-red c (26)
D22 A 4 A blue-green b (29)
D23 A 8 A dark gray green f (30)
D24 A 1 R blue/purple g (31)
D25 A 2 R purple/red brown g (32)
D26 A 5 R carmine/purple h (33)
D27 A 10 R green/brown h (34)
Quantity: unknown
Designer: unknown
Printer: unknown
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated Set
Issue Notice:
- Stamps from Burma from the 1938 issue with the same imprint SERVICE
- In the same drawings: MiNo. 52-66
- With imprint: MiNr. 35, 36-51
- With imprint (peacock): Japanese occupation in Burma MiNo. 13-40