Stpr. (10x5); A = perf. L 11 1/2; without Gum; B = imperforated
Set, date of issue: March 17-29, 1943
Picture descriptions:
b) plowman
78 Aa 1 C orange d (March 22)
79 Aa 2 C yellow-green d (March 24)
80 A 3 C blue (March 25) d
81 AI 5 C carmine d / small "c" (March 17)
82 A 10 C grey-brown d (March 25)
83 A 15 C red-violet d (March 26)
84 A 20 C gray purple d (March 29)
85 A 30 C blue-green d (March 29)
Quantity: unknown
Designer: unknown
Printer: unknown
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated Set
Issue Notice:
- MiNo. 78-80, 81 II have capital "C",
- MiNo. 81 I, 82-85 small "c". Lots of printing coincidences!
- Like MiNo. 48, but with value designation "C" for cents.
- imperforated = proof
- There are many known forgeries of this edition