Opr. (10 x 10); Wmk 3; A = perf. 13 1/2:13; B = imperforated
Stamp, date of issue: 25.01.1985
Picture descriptions:
ya) King Bhumibol
1105 A 8 B violet purple/ dark green olive ya
Quantity: 20.000.000 pieces
Designer: Mrs. Maliwan Chaikrachang (C.A.T.)
Printer: GPB Japan
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated single stamp or as in the title, the article picture and / or article number described as a pair, Block of 4 with and / or without edge, as Block of 4 with imprint on edge and / or perforated or not perforated. Decisive for the delivery is the article title, the article picture or the article number!
Issue Notice: