Definitives: King Bhumibol 7th Series (MNH)

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MiNo. 955A - 1187A Thailand
Opr. (10 x 10); X = Wmk 6; Y = Wmk 9; Wmk 13; Wmk 10
Paper: x = plain paper; y = paper with fluorescent protective overprint
Set, date of issue: 05.12.1980 - 19.06.1987
Picture descriptions:
ya) King Bhumibol
955 A  25 S medium brownish red (05.12.1980) ya; Wmk.6; perf K 11:13; Quantity 10 Mio pieces (Enschedé)
993 AXx  50 S dark olive (05.12.1981) ya; Wmk.6; perf K 11:13; Quantity 50 Mio pieces (Enschedé)
993 CYx  50 S dark olive (08.06.1983) ya; Wmk.9; perf K 14 1/4:15; Quantity 100 Mio pieces (Harrison)
993 AZy  50 S dark olive (20.09.1984) ya; Wmk.13; perf K 11:13; Quantity 100 Mio pieces (Waddington)
956 A  75 S lively violet (05.12.1980) ya; Wmk.6; perf K 11:13; Quantity 100 Mio pieces (Enschedé)
1076 A  1 B greenish blue (25.01.1984) ya; Wmk.3; perf K 13 1/2:13; Quantity 70 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
994 AXx  1.25 B dark green olive (07.09.1981) ya; Wmk.6; perf K 11:13; Quantity 230 Mio pieces (Enschedé)
994 CYx  1.25 B dark green olive (08.06.1983) ya; Wmk.9; perf K 14 1/4:15; Quantity 100 Mio pieces (Harrison)
994 AZy  1.25 B dark green olive (20.09.1984) ya; Wmk.13; perf K 11:13; Quantity 130 Mio pieces (Waddinton)
1116 AXx  1.50 B orange (06.04.1985) ya; Wmk.9; perf K 14:15; Quantity 50 Mio pieces (Harrison)
1100 A  2 B black-orange-red/black-purple-purple (05.12.1984) ya; Wmk.9: perf. K 13 1/2:13; Quantity 5 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1117 AXx  2 B dark brown-red (tones) (07.08.1985) ya; Wmk.9; perf. K 14:15; Quantity 130 Mio pieces (Harrison)
1117 CYy  2 B dark brown-red (tones) (03.03.1986) ya; Wmk.13; perf. K 11:13; Quantity 80 Mio pieces (Waddington)
1117 DYx  2 B dark brown-red (tones) (19.06.1987) ya; Wmk.13; perf. K 14 1/2:14; Quantity 80 Mio units (Leigh-Mardon)
1065 AI  3 B siena/Prussian blue (05.12.1983) ya; 1st plate; Wmk.3; perf. K 13 1/2:13; Quantity 5 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1065 AII  3 B sienna/Prussian blue (25.01.1985) ya; 2nd plate; Wmk.3; perf. K 13 1/2:13; Quantity 20 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1101 A  4 B black-green-blue/black-orange-red (05.12.1984) ya; Wmk.3; perf. 13 1/2:13; Quantity 5 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1066 AI  5 B brown-violet/red-brown (05.12.1983) ya; 1st plate; Wmk.3; perf. 13 1/2:13; Quantity 5 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1066 AII  5 B brown-violet/red-brown (04.08.1986) ya; 2nd plate Wmk.3; perf. 13 1/2:13; Quantity 13 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1067 AI  6 B dark emerald green/ brown violet (05.12.1983) ya; 1st plate; Wmk.3; perf. 13 1/2:13; Quantity 5 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1067 AII  6 B dark emerald green/ brown violet (30.09.1985) ya; 2nd plate; Wmk.3; perf. 13 1/2:13; Quantity 35 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1102 A  6.50 B dark yellow-green/ olive-brown (05.12.1984) ya; Wmk.3; perf. 13 1/2:13; Quantity 5 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1103 A  7 B dark brownish red/ dark purple brown (05.12.1984) ya; Wmk.3; perf. 13 1/2:13; Quantity 20 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1104 A  7.50 B black orange red/black violet ultramarine (25.01.1985) ya; Wmk.3; perf. 13 1/2:13; Quantity 5 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1105 A  8 B violet purple/ dark green olive (25.01.1985) ya; Wmk.3; perf. 13 1/2:13; Quantity 20 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1068 A  8.50 B vivid blue-green/ black-orange (05.12.1983) ya; 1 .plate; Wmk.3; perf. 13 1/2:13; Quantity 5 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1106 A  9 B violet ultramarine black/ yellow-brown (25.01.1985) ya; Wmk.3; perf. 13 1/2:13; Quantity 13 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1069 A  9.50 B olive brown/dark green (05.12.1983) ya; 1st plate; Wmk.3; perf. 13 1/2:13; Quantity 5 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1107 A  10 B black orange red/ black olive gray (05.12.1984) ya; Wmk.3; perf. 13 1/2:13; Quantity 40 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1187 A  20 B red-orange/dark olive (05.12.1986) ya; Wmk.3; perf. 13 1/2:13; Quantity 7 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1108 A  50 B brown violet/ dark blue green (05.12.1986) ya; Wmk.3; perf. 13 1/2:13; Quantity 3 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
1109 A  100 B red orange/ Prussian blue (05.12.1986) ya; Wmk.3; perf. 13 1/2:13; Quantity 9 Mio pieces (GPB Japan)
Mrs. Maliwan Chaikrachang (C.A.T.)
Printer: Joh. Enschedé; GPB Japan; Waddington; Harrison; Leigh Mardon
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated set or as in the title, the article picture and / or article number described as a pair, Block of 4 with and / or without edge, as Block of 4 with imprint on edge and / or perforated or not perforated. Decisive for the delivery is the article title, the article picture or the article number!
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