Opr. (5x1 + 5x1); A = perf. K 13; B = imperforated
FDC(I), issue date: July 17, 2024
Image descriptions:
eak-ean) Scenes from Tonle Sap
eak) Aerial view
eal) Floating houses
eam) Stilt houses
ean) Fishing boat at sunset
2826 A 1,000 R multi-colored eak
2827 A 2,000 R multi-colored eal
2828 A 3,000 R multi-colored eam
2829 A 4,000 R multi-colored ean
Quantity FDC(I): 100 pieces
Designer: Cambodia Post
Printer: INSTAMPVINA Vietnam Printing
Conservation Status:
Here as a FDC (Version I) with perforated Set and first day cancellation
Issue Notice: