Guan Yin (II) - The Power of Miracles (257IIA) -5-digit-

Guan Yin (II) - The Power of Miracles (257IIA) -5-digit- Guan Yin (II) - The Power of Miracles (257IIA) -5-digit- Guan Yin (II) - The Power of Miracles (257IIA) -5-digit- Guan Yin (II) - The Power of Miracles (257IIA) -5-digit- Guan Yin (II) - The Power of Miracles (257IIA) -5-digit- Guan Yin (II) - The Power of Miracles (257IIA) -5-digit- Guan Yin (II) - The Power of Miracles (257IIA) -5-digit- Guan Yin (II) - The Power of Miracles (257IIA) -5-digit- Guan Yin (II) - The Power of Miracles (257IIA) -5-digit-

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  • Available now!
  • Item no.: 2962IIA-(257IIA)-5-TH
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  • Recommended retail price: € 25,00
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  • Guan Yin (II)


MiNo. 2962IIA (Souvenir Sheet 257IIA)-5 Thailand
Odr. with glitter paint (5x2); IA = perf. K 14 1/2:14 1/4; IIA = perf. K 14 1/2:14 1/4 with HFDR; B = imperforated
Souvenir Sheet, Issue date: 10/10/2010
Picture descriptions:
dod) Guan Yin (Kannon), Bodhisattva of Compassion
2962 II A 9 B multicolored dod
Souvenir Sheet issue with MiNo. 2962IIA
Souvenir Sheet 257 II A (87 x 125 mm) doe
Quantity: 15,000 pieces
Designer: Mrs.Veena Chantanatat (Thailand Post Company Limited)
Printer: Thai British Security Printing Public Company Limited, Thailand
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Üverprinted Souvenir Sheet with 5-digit Number
Issue Notice:

  • Souvenir Sheet 257 IB differs from Souvenir Sheet 257 IA except by the missing teeth and by the absence of any indication of the postal price.
  • Souvenir Sheet 257 II A was sold only in conjunction with Souvenir Sheet 257 IA (with identical control numbers) together for 180 baht.
    • Souvenir Sheet 257 IA from this edition carries a 5 instead of 3-digit control number.
  • Souvenir Sheet 257 II A differs from Souvenir Sheet 257 IA except by the additional gold hot foil printing by the further inscription on the lower block edge and the absence of any indication of the postal price.
  • The Thousand-Armed and Thousand-Eyed Guan Yin or, for short The Thousand-Armed Guan Yin is one of the attitudes of the Bhodisattava Guan Yin. The Guan Yin Goddess looks grand and majestic, creating a sense of awe at her miraculous powers. The characteristics of the Goddess in this particular attitude have two hidden meaning. Firstly, the Goddess uses her one thousand eyes to look after creatures that are in a limbo of suffering through her mercy; and with her 1,000 arms, she pulls them away from capture in the meaningless life cycle. The second meaning refers to the miracles of the Bodhisatava in being able to subdue evil and hit them from intruding into human lives.

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