RaTpr.; A = perf. K 11 3/4: 11 1/2; B = imperforated
Set, Issue date: 10.9.1999
Picture descriptions:
bsl-bsu) King Bhumibol Aduljadeh, Rama IX. (* 1927, reigned. 1946)
bsl) as a baby with his father Prince Mahidol
bsm) with his mother and his siblings
bsn) with brother King Ananda Mahidol in childhood
bso) with King Ananda Mahidol in Uniform
bsp) marriage to Queen Sirikit
bsr) during the coronation ceremony
bss) as a Buddhist monk
bst) with Queen Sirikit and their four children
bsu) in royal robes
1941 A 3 B multicolored bsl
1942 A 3 B multicolored bsm
1943 A 3 B multicolored bsn
1944 A 6 B multicolored bso
1945 A 6 B multicolored bsp
1946 A 6 B multicolored bsr
1947 A 12 B multicolored bss
1948 A 12 B multicolored bst
1949 A 12 B multicolored bsu
Quantity: 1,000,000 pieces
Designer: unknown
Printing: Helio Courvoisier S.A., Switzerland
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated Set
Issue Notice: