Odr;. Wz 13, A = K 14 perf. B = imperforated
Maximum Cards, Issue date: 10/07/1990
Picture descriptions:
apd) Khanom Cho Muang
ape) Khanom Cha Monkut
apf) Khanom Sane Chan
apg) Khanom Luk Chup
1374 A 2 B multicolored apd
1375 A 3 B multicolored ape
1376 A 5 B multicolored apf
1377 A 6 B multicolored apg
Quantity MC(28): 25,000 pieces
Printer: The Government Printing Bureau, Ministry of Finance, Japan
Conservation Status:
Here as a Set of Maximum Cards with first day postmark
Issue Notice: