Opr.; Wmk.9; perf. K 14 1/4:15
Stamp, Issue date: 12/20/1978
Picture descriptions:
vr) people of different races are dancing around the globe
896IV 75 S Multicolored vr
Quantity: unknown
Designer: Mr. prakai Sangamuang
Printer: Harrison & Sons Co., Ltd., England
Conservation Status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Block of 4 with Passer Shift to the left
Issue Notice:
From this issue are color and color shifts are known:
- I = The color of the "BLACK" figure in the middle is "BLACK" (CORRECT STAMP)
- II = The color of the "BLACK" figure in the middle is "PURPLE" (COLOR ERROR)
- III = The "BLACK" figure in the middle is shifted to the right, so that there is a white margin on the left
- IV = The "BLACK" figure in the middle is shifted to the left, so that there is a white margin on the right