RaTpr.; A = perf. K 11 3/4:12; B = imperforated
Souvenir Sheet, Issue date: 3.10.1998
Picture descriptions:
bor) Kraisara Rajasiha (Lion King)
bos) Gajasiha (lion with tusks)
bot) Kesara Singha (lion with hooves)
bou) Singha (lion)
1881 A 2 B multicolored bor I
1882 A 2 B multicolored bos I
1883 A 12 B multicolored bot I
1884 A 12 B multicolored bou I
Souvenir Sheet issue with MiNo. 1881-1884
Souvenir Sheet 114 A (140 mm x 99 mm) bov
Quantity: 200,000 pieces
Designer: unknown
Printing: Helio Courvoisier S.A., Switzerland
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated Souvenir Sheet
Issue Notice:
- MiNo 1877-1880, in contrast to MiNo. 1881-1884 with a white stamp edge.
- Souvenir Sheet 114A is also known without a counting number (rare)