International Letter Writing Week 2007: Traditional home appliances (215) (MNH)

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MiNo. 2575C - 2578C (Souvenir Sheet 215) Thailand
Odr.; A = perf. K 14 3/4:14 1/4; C = perf. K 13 1/2
Souvenir Sheet, Issue date: 8.10.2007
Picture descriptions:
cxu) Betel nut scissors
cxv) Betel nut masher
cxw) Cylinder-, and piston igniter
cxx) Earthenware oil-lamp/incense dish
2575 C 3 B multicolored cxu
2576 C 3 B multicolored cxv
2577 C 3 B multicolored cxw
2578 C 3 B multicolored cxx
Souvenir Sheet issue with MiNo. 2575C-2578C
Souvenir Sheet 215 (144 x 110 mm) cxy
Postprice: 18B
Quantity: 100,000 pieces
Designer: Mr.Poraphon Khomprapha (MiNo 2575A.) Mr.Chanya Boonyasakdi (2576A-2578A MiNo.)
Printer: Thai British Security Printing Public Company Limited, Thailand
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" souvenir Sheet
Issue Notice:

  • Betel nut scissors: These are apart of the betel nut set that people in the olden days carried with them when they went out. The scissors are made of iron but the decorative metal has to match with that of other utensils in the betel nut set. For example, in a silver betel nut set, a thin sheet of silver fashioned into the required decorative design is used to cover both blades and in a gold nielloware set, a gold sheet is used to cover both blades. The ends of the scissors's handles are usually decorated with a swan or a "hongsa".
  • Betel nut masher: This is used for grinding the betel nut ingredients so that the elderly, whose teeth are not sufficiently strong, can chew the ground betel nut mixture. This utensil consists of an iron or brass cylindrical tube whose bottom end is plugged with a wooden pestle that serves as a stopper. An appropriate amount of betel nut and piper betel leaves is chopped and put into the cylinder and then pround with the metal rod until they are finely ground. Then, the pestle is pushed forward to force the mixture along the cylinder to the open end.
  • Cylinder-, and piston igniter: It functions by pushing the plunger hard into the body of the syringe and pulling it put at speed. A flame will be ignited and light the dried fibrous roots of a turf palm attached at the end of the syringe. The ignited flame will be sufficient for lighting cigarettes or for using as fuel o start a fire for cooking.
  • Earthenware oil-lamp/incense dish: These are small, clay receptacles for oil, used for lighting in place. They are similar to bowls but are shallower.

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