Opr.; A = perf. K 13 1/4:13, MiNo. 2289 portrait format; B = imperforated
Set, Date of issue: 25.4.2003
Picture descriptions:
czr) Drawing of the bridge No. 26 of the national road 6 A
czs) Bridge No. 25 of the national road 6 A
czt) Chroy Changvar Bridge
czu) Kizuna Bridge
czv) monument
2285 A 100 R multicolored czr
2286 A 200 R multicolored czs
2287 A 400 R multicolored czt
2288 A 800 R multicolored czu
2289 A 3500 R multicolored czv
Quantity: 10,000 pieces
Printer: Vietnam Printing
Designer: Cambodia Post
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated Set
Issue Notice: