Opr. (5x5); A = perf. K 13; B = imperforated
FDC(I), Issue date: 09/10/2015
Picture descriptions:
dnm-dnp) ruins of the temple Banteay Chhmar
2563 A 500 R multicolored dnm
2564 A 2000 R multicolored dnn
2565 A 2800 R multicolored dno
2566 A 3000 R multicolored dnp
Quantity FDC(I): 200 pieces
Printing: Printing Vietnam
Designer: Cambodia Post
Conservation status:
Here as a FDC (Version I) with first day special postmark
Issue Notice:
- Banteay Chhmar is a commune(khum) in Thma Puok District of Banteay Meanchey province in northwest Cambodia. It is located 63 km north of Sisophon and about 20 km east of the Thai border. The commune of Banteay Chhmar contains 14 villages.
- The massive temple of Banteay Chhmar, along with its satellite shrines and reservoir(baray), comprises one of the most important and least understood archaeological complexes from Cambodia´s Angkor period.
- Like Angkor Thom, the temple of Banteay Chhmar was accomplished during the reign of Jayavarman VII in the late 12th or early 13th century. One of the temple´s shrines once held an image of Srindrakumarara japutra(the crown prince), a son of Jayavarman VII who died before him.