Opr. (5x5); A = perf. K 13; B = imperforated
Sheet, date of issue: 11.11.2016
Picture descriptions:
doa-doe) god statues of the Khmer
doa) Tevi
dob) Buddha
doc) Harihara
dod) Vishnu
doe) Vishnu
2571 A 500 R multi-colored doa
2572 A 2000 R multi-colored dob
2573 A 2500 R multi-colored doc
2574 A 3000 R multi-colored dod
2575 A 3500 R multicolored doe
Quantity BO(I): 1,000 pieces
Printing: Vietnam Printing
Designer: Cambodia Post
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated Set of full sheet with 25 Set´s
Issue Notice: