Kinnari Goddess (4-6) -SOUVENIR SHEET SET-

Kinnari Goddess (4-6) -SOUVENIR SHEET SET- Kinnari Goddess (4-6) -SOUVENIR SHEET SET- Kinnari Goddess (4-6) -SOUVENIR SHEET SET- Kinnari Goddess (4-6) -SOUVENIR SHEET SET-

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  • Available now!
  • Item no.: 0022-0030-(4-6)-CAM
  • Delivery status: Now Available
  • Our price : C$ 420,96
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MiNo. 22A - 30A (Souvenir Sheet 4-6) Cambodia
StTpr.; A = perf. K 13; B = imperforated
Souvenir Sheet, Issue date: 01/10/1953
Image descriptions:
g) Kinnari (mythological bird human beings)
22 A  50 C green (April 16) g
23 A  3 P maroon (July 1) g
24 A  3.30 P violet (April 16) g
25 A  4 P sepia / blue (July 1) g
26 A  5.10 P mehrfarbig (16. April) g
27 A  6.50 P sepia / purple (July 1) g
28 A  9 P purple pink / green (July 1) g
29 A  11.50 P multicolor (July 1) g
30 A  30 P multicolor (April 16) g
Airmail Souvenir Sheet issue:
Souvenir Sheet 4 with MiNo. 22, 24, 26 and 30 (129 x 100 mm) h
Souvenir Sheet 5 with MiNo. 23, 25 and 29 (129 x 100 mm) i
Souvenir Sheet 6 with MiNo. 27-28 (129 x 100 mm) k
Post Price: Souvenir Sheet 4 = 50 P, Souvenir Sheet 5 = 25 P, Souvenir Sheet 6 = 20 P
Quantity: unknown
Printer: unknown
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated set of all 3 Souvenir Sheet´s
Issue Notice:
  • Because of the paper used at that time, the issue seems somewhat "greenish"

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