Opr. (1x5 + 1x5); A = perf. K 13; B = imperforate
KB(I), issue date: 07/27/2021 (planned)
KB(I), issue date 12/28/2021 (actual)
Picture descriptions:
dwa-dwe) Battle Scenes Kun Khmer
2718 A 2000 R multicolored dwa
2719 A 3000 R multicolored dwb
2720A 4000R multicolored dwc
2721 A 5000 R multicolored dwd
Quantity KB(I): 400 pieces
Designer: Cambodia Post
Printer: Vietnam Printing
Conservation Status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforate Set of Small Sheets, KB(I), with 10 Set´s
Issue Notice:
- Pradal Serey was codified by the colonial administration during the French protectorate in the 20th century. Pradal Serey (Khmer for: "bare-handed martial arts") comes from kun daï, which is a military discipline. The Kun daï was taught in the army by the Khmer Empire in the 9th century.
- Pradal Serey is a martial art that is characterized by elbow techniques, close combat and knee techniques. Some rules in Pradal Serey favor the opponent's melee and knockout punch while falling.
- Similar fighting styles include Muay Thai (Thai boxing), Bama Lethwei, Muay Lao (Lao boxing), and Tomoi (Malaysia).
- The official issue date for MiNo. 2718A-2712A was 6/16/2021. Due to the pandemic, the printer did not deliver the issue to the Cambodia Post until December 28, 2021.
- The FDC bear the official date of issue and the corresponding special stamp.
- MiNo. 2718A-2721A was printed in a miniature sheet, KB(I), 10 pieces with a decorative field.