Opr. (1x5+1x5); A = perf. K 13; B = imperforate
FDC(I), issue date: 10/20/2021 (planned)
FDC(I), issue date 12/28/2021 (actual)
Picture descriptions:
dww-dxb) native spider species
dww) jumping spider (Cosmophasis umbratica)
dwx) Striped tarantula (Cyriopagopus albostriatus)
dwy) Cobalt blue tarantula (Cyriopagopus lividus)
dwz) jumping spider (Phidippus Regius)
dxa) Golden Silk Spider (Nephila Clavipes)
dxb) garden spider (Araneus diadematus)
2736 A 2000 R multicolored dww
2737 A 2500 R multicolored dwx
2738 A 3000 R multicolored dwy
2739 A 4000 R multicolored dwz
Quantity FDC(I): 100 pieces
Designer: Cambodia Post
Printer: Vietnam Printing
Conservation Status:
Here as a FDC (Version I) with perforate Set and first day special postmark
Issue Notice:
- The official issue date for MiNo. 2726A-2739A was 10/20/2021. Due to the pandemic, however, the issue was only delivered by the printer to the Cambodia Post on December 28, 2021.
- The FDC bear the official issue date and the corresponding special stamp.
- MiNo. 2736A-2739A were printed in mini sheets, KB(I), of 10 stamps each with decorative field.
- Souvenir Sheet 366B was only issued with Souvenir Sheet 365A as a set for US$9.99
- MiNo. 2736A has a wrong spider name. It should be correct: "Cosmophasis umbratica"