New Year: Blossoms (IX) (89)

New Year: Blossoms (IX) (89) New Year: Blossoms (IX) (89) New Year: Blossoms (IX) (89)

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  • Available now!
  • Item no.: 1734-1737-(89)-TH
  • Delivery status: Now Available
  • starting from : € 3,24
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  • Recommended retail price: € 3,50
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MiNo. 1734C - 1737C (Souvenir Sheet 89A) Thailand
Opr.; Wmk. 13; A = perf. K 14:14 1/2; C = perf. K 14, portrait formats; B = imperforate
Souvenir Sheet, date of issue: 11/15/1996
Picture descriptions:
bhe) Limnocharis flava
bhf) Crinum thaianum
bhg) Monochoria hastata
bhh) Nymphoides indica
1734 C  2 B multicolored bhe
1735 C  2 B multicolored bhf
1736 C  2 B multicolored bhg
1737 C  2 B multicolored bhh
Souvenir Sheet issue with MiNo. 1734C-1737C
Souvenir Sheet 89 A (85 mm x 100 mm) bhi
Quantity: 200,000 pieces
Printer: Rexam Southern Color Print Co.Ltd., New Zealand

Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforate Souvenir Sheet
Issue Notice:
  • Souvenir Sheet 89I International Stamp Exhibition HONG KONG 97 from 02/12/1997.
  • New issue of Souvenir Sheet 89A with an additional line of writing in Chinese and an exhibition emblem, but without an indication of the postal sales price at the bottom edge of the Souvenir Sheet.
  • Souvenir Sheet 89I is available in 2 versions, with 3-digit and 5-digit (double price) counting number.

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