Odr; Wmk 9, A = K perf. 14 1/4: 14 1/2, B = imperforated
Souvenir Sheet, Issue date: 16.11.1990
Picture descriptions:
apl) Cyrtandromoea grandiflora
apm) Rhododendron arboreum
apn) Merremia vitifolia
apo) Afgekia mahidolae
1380 A 1 B multicolored apl
1381 A 1 B multicolored apm
1382 A 1 B multicolored apn
1383 A 1 B multicolored apo
Souvenir sheet issue with MiNo. 1380A-1383A and MiNo. 1380B-1383B
Souvenir Sheet 27 A (85x100 mm) app
Souvenir Sheet 27 B (85x100 mm) app
Quantity: 80,000 pieces
Printer: Harrison & Sons (High Wycombe) Ltd., London
Conservation Status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Set of perforated and imperforated Souvenir Sheet´s
Issue Notice:
- Also a special Souvenir Sheet for the 11th P.A.T. General Assembly and Action Day on 16.09.1991 at Narai Hotel in Bangkok was issued