Opr.; A = perf. K 13 1/2, B = imperforated
Set, date of issue: 2.1.1975
Picture descriptions:
km) Battle of the Battle (18th century)
kn) fencing
ko) Runners in the target (antiquity)
kp) runners at the start
kr) Pirogen racing
ks) double kayak
kt) Greek archer
ku) Military
kv) St. Peter's Church and Frauenkirche, Munich; Silhouette of Montreal; Olympic fire
407 A 1 R multicolored km
408 A 5 R multicolored kn
409 A 10 R multicolored ko
410 A 25 R multicolored kp
411 A 50 R multicolored (FP) kr
412 A 100 R multicolored (FP) ks
413 A 150 R multicolored (FP) kt
414 A 200 R multicolored / white (FP) ku
415 A 250 R multicolored / white (FP) kv
Quantity: unknown
Designer: unknown
Printer: unknown
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated set
Issue Notice:
- The second color specification for MiNr. 414-417 refers to the stamp Edge