Opr.; A = perf. K 14 3/4:14 1/4; B = imperforated
Souvenir Sheet, date of issue: 1.8.2002
Picture descriptions:
cck) Sagra femorata (leaf beetle)
ccl) Bock beetles
ccm) Chrysochroa mniszechii
ccn) Anoplophora sp. (Longhorn beetle)
cco) Chrysochroa saundersi
ccp) Mouhotia batesi
ccr) Megaloxantha assamensis
ccs) Eupatorus gracillicornis
1828 A 1000 K multicolored ccb
1829 A 1000 K multicolored ccc
1830 A 1000 K multicolored ccd
1831 A 1000 K multicolored ccedi
1832 A 1000 K multicolored ccf
1833 A 1000 K multicolored ccg
1834 A 1000 K multicolored cch
1835 A 1000 K multicolored cci
Souvenir Sheet iossue with MiNo. 1828A-1835A
Souvenir Sheet 188A (150 x 210 mm) cct
Quantity: 2,000 pieces
Designer: Mr. Vongsavanh Damlongsouk
Printer: BDT International Security Printing LTD
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated Souvenir Sheet
Issue Notice:
- MiNo. 1820-1827 were coherently printed in sheet to four horizontal aft blocks and a vertical aft strip.
- On the Souvenir Sheets the beetles are shown against the background of (petal) leaves and twigs