Odr.; 3-sided perforated 13 1/4; left unperforated with picture field and printed perforation
Prepaid Postcards, Issue date: 18.03.2017
Picture descriptions:
PP-17-0006 Airbus A320 "Thai Culture"
PP-17-0007 Airbus A320 "Yuk Cute"
PP-17-0008 Tourist Attractions in Thailand
PP-17-0009 Tourist Attractions in Thailand "Now Everyone Can Fly"
PP-17-0006 15 B multicolored
PP-17-0007 15 B multicolored
PP-17-0008 15 B multicolored
PP-17-0009 15 B multicolored
Quantity PP: 3,200 pieces
Printer: Thai British Security Printing
Designer: Air Asia
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Set of 4 Prepaid Postcards with each 15 Baht Value
Issue Notice:
- The stamps in this issue are perforated on three sides and together with a motif.
- The stamps alone are valid for postage and can be used on letters and postcards.