Odr.; Wmk. 14; A = perf. K 13 1/4; B = imperforated
Set, date of issue: 4.8.1985
Picture descriptions:
aeh) Aisvarya-Pavilion
aei) Varopas-Piman-Pavilion (1876)
aek) Vehas-Camrun-Pavilion (1889)
ael) Vitoon-Tassana-Tower (1881)
1126 A 2 B multicolored aeh
1127 A 3 B multicolored aei
1128 A 7 B multicolored aek
1129 A 10 B multicolored ael
Quantity MiNo. 1126A: 3.000.000 piece
Quantity MiNo. 1127A-1129A: each 1.000.000 piece
Designer: Mr. Thaveeporn Thongkambai
Printer: Société Nouvelle CARTOR sarl. France
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Single
Issue Notice:
- Souvenir Sheets 14A and 14B are respectively inverted and mirrored watermarks.
- The quantity of these error blocks are less than 300 pieces, as far as known.
- Souvenir Sheet 14IIA about 4 times price, Souvenir Sheet 14IIB about 3 times price