Comb. Opr. and Ppr. with Lack (5 x 4); A = perf. K 13 1/4; B = imperforated
Souvenir Sheet, Issue date: 03/12/2018
Picture descriptions:
fad) Phra Achan Fan Acharo Amulet
3751 A 9 B multicolored fad
Souvenir Sheet issue with MiNo. 3751A
Souvenir Sheet 369 (90 mm x 115 mm) fae
Quantity: 100,000 pieces
Designer: Mr. Udorn Niyomthum (Thailand Post)
Printer: Thai British Security Printing, Bangkok
Conservation Status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated Souvenir Sheet
Issue Notice:
- Souvenir Sheet 369: Souvenir Sheet edge with pagoda and standing monk
- Souvenir Sheet 370: Souvenir Sheet edge with pagoda
- Souvenir Sheet 371: Souvenir Sheet edge with a seated monk
- Souvenir Sheet 370-371 were submitted to the purchase of other4 postal stamps at least 1500 Baht. Delivery starts on January 14, 2019.