StTpr.; A = perf. K 12 3/4: 13; B = imperforated
Souvenir Sheet, date of issue: 9.10.1973
Picture descriptions:
hm) Lon Nol (1913-1985), General and President
379 A 3 R multicolored / gray-ultramarine hn
380 A 8 R multicolored / brown lilac hn
381 A 14 R multicolored / black hn
Souvenir Sheet issue with MiNo. 379A-381A
Souvenir Sheet 34 A (130 mm x 100 mm) ho
Quantity: unknown
Designer: unknown
Printer: unknown
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated souvenir Sheet
Issue Notice:
- The second color refers to the stamp background.