Opr. (5x2); A = perf. K 13 1/4; B = imperforate
FDC(I), date of issue: 06.05.2022
Picture descriptions:
ewe) portrait of Princess Vibhavadirangsit
3935 A 3 B multicolored ewe
Quantity FDC(I): 8,000 pieces
Designer: Ms. Euamporn Supharoekchai (Thailand Post)
Printer: TBSP, Thailand
Conservation status:
Here as a FDC (Version I) with perforate single stamp, first day special postmark and day cancellation
Issue Notice:
H.R.H Princess Vibhavadirangsit was the daughter of Prince Bidyalongkorn and Princess Phonphimonphan Rajani.
Born on November 20, 1920, she was a lady-in-waiting of H.M. Queen Sirikit The Queen Mother. -
A talented writer under the pen-name V. na Pramuanmarg, she was dedicated to rural development works
until February 16, 1977, when the helicopter was shot down by insurgents, fatally injuring her on route to supply
aid in Wiang Sa district, Surat Thani province. - Later on, H.M. King Bhumibol Adulyadej had royally sponsored her cremation and awarded her the highest rank
of Princess Vibhavadirangsit. Subsequently, Vibhavadi Rangsit road was named after her.