RaTpr.; Wmk 6; A = perf. K 11:13; B = imperforated
Set, Issue date: 16/06/1977
Picture descriptions:
tl) Phra Samut Aphal and Phisua
tm) Rusi and Sutsakhon
tn) Nang Vali and Usren
to) Aphai Phra Nang Mani and Portrait of Laweng
841 A 2 B multicolored tl
842 A 3 B multicolored tm
843 A 4 B multicolored tn
844 A 5 B multicolored to
Quantity: 3,000,000 pieces
Designer: unknown
Printer: Joh. Enschedé en Zonen Grafische Inrichting B.V., Hollandan
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforated set
Issue Notice: