Opr. (10x5); A = perf. K 14 1/4:14; B = imperforate
FDC(I), date of issue: 27.09.2021
Picture descriptions:
nq) Female costume of the Pyu era
nr) Men's costume of the Pyu era
519 A 200 K multicolored nq
520 A 200 K multicolored nr
Quantity FDC(I): 4,000 pieces
Designer: Prof. Myat Tun Aung, Aung Than Htay
Printer: Government Security Printing Works (SPW), Rangoon
Conservation Status:
Here as a 2-part FDC (Version I) with perforate Set and first day special postmark
Issue Notice:
- Pyu Era is recorded to have lasted from 2nd to 8th century BCE.
- Both men and women wore bangles and wristles and they had their hair tied up in a top-knot bun.
- The distinguished charachter of Pya Era the minting and use of coins.
- Furing the era, the first Buddhist stupas, temples and pagodas in Myanmar were constructed and worshipped.