Opr;. MiNo. 1714A with holographic foil, Wmk 15; A = perf. K 13 1/2; B = imperforate
Sheet, Issue date: 06/09/1996
Picture descriptions:
bgd-bgh) King Bhumibol (* 1927 reg, since 1946.)
bge) Artificial rain to fight drought
1714 A 3 B multicolored bge
Quantity BO(II): 600.000 pieces
Designer: Mr. Thaneth Ponchaiwong
Printer: Cartor S.A., France
Conservation Status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" perforate Stamp Sheet with 25 Stamps, Sheet margin TOP NOT! perforate
Issue Notice:
- Various overprinted, and Error-, Souvenir Sheets known like P.A.T. special edition for the 4th Actionday of PAT in Bangkok in 1996