Opr. (3×5); A = perf. K 13 1/2; B = imperforated
Souvenir Sheet, date of issue: 2/13/1975
Picture descriptions:
lv-md) game scenes
lv) Hamburg
lw) Gelsenkirchen
x) Dortmund
ly) Stuttgart
lz) Dusseldorf
ma) Hanover
mb) Frankfurt
mc) Munich
md) Berlin
420 B 1 R multicolored lv
421 B 5 R multicolored lw
422 B 10 R multicolored lx
423 B 25 R multicolored ly
424 B 50 R multicolored lz
425 B 100 R multicolored ma
426 B 150 R multicolored mb
427 B 200 R multicolored/white mc
428 B 250 R multicolored/white md
Souvenir Sheet issue with MiNo. 420B-428B
Souvenir Sheet 94B with MiNo. 420 B, Souvenir Sheet edge white (97 mm x 75 mm)
Souvenir Sheet 95B with MiNo. 421 B, Souvenir Sheet edge white (97 mm x 75 mm)
Souvenir Sheet 96B with MiNo. 422 B, Souvenir Sheet edge white (97 mm x 75 mm)
Souvenir Sheet 97B with MiNo. 423 B, Souvenir Sheet edge white (97 mm x 75 mm)
Souvenir Sheet 98B with MiNo. 424 B, Souvenir Sheet edge white (97 mm x 75 mm)
Souvenir Sheet 99B with MiNo. 425 B, Souvenir Sheet edge white (97 mm x 75 mm)
Souvenir Sheet 100B with MiNo. 426 B, Souvenir Sheet edge white (97 mm x 75 mm)
Souvenir Sheet 101B with MiNo. 427 B, Souvenir Sheet edge white (97 mm x 75 mm)
Souvenir Sheet 102B with MiNo. 428 B, Souvenir Sheet edge white (97 mm x 75 mm)
Quantity: unknown
Designer: unknown
Printer: unknown
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" Set of imperforated Souvenir Sheets, Sheet egde in white
Issue Notice: