Songkran Day 1990 - 1996 (76A-76B)

Songkran Day 1990 - 1996 (76A-76B) Songkran Day 1990 - 1996 (76A-76B) Songkran Day 1990 - 1996 (76A-76B) Songkran Day 1990 - 1996 (76A-76B)

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MiNo. 1410C-1698B (Souvenir Sheet 76A-76B) Thailand
Opr.; Wmk 13; A and C = perf. K 13 1/2: 13 3/4; B = imperforated
Souvenir Sheet, Issue date: 13.04.1996
Picture descriptions:
arw) angels riding on goat, zodiac sign
avp) demon riding monkey, zodiac sign
ayn) demon riding on cock, zodiac signs
bag) demon riding on dog, zodiac sign
bci) demon riding on pig, zodiac signs
bfh) angels riding on rat, zodiac sign
1410 C  2 B multicolored arw
1410 B  2 B multicolored arw
1493 C  2 B multicolored avp
1493 B  2 B multicolored avp
1557 C  2 B multicolored ayn
1557 B  2 B multicolored ayn
1594 C  2 B multicolored bag
1594 B  2 B multicolored bag
1638 C  2 B multicolored bci
1638 B  2 B multicolored bci
1698 A  2 B multicolored bfh
1698 B  2 B multicolored bfh
Souvenir Sheet issue with MiNo. 1410 C, 1493 C, 1557 C, 1594 C, 1638 C, 1698 A
Souvenir Sheet 76 A (136 mm x 160 mm) bfk
Souvenir Sheet issue with MiNo. 1410 B, 1493 B, 1557 B, 1594 B, 1638 B, 1698 B
Souvenir Sheet 76 B (136 mm x 160 mm) bfk
Post price: je 20B
Quantity: 400.000 pieces
Designer: Mrs. Veena Chantanatat
Printer: Joh. Enschedé Security Printers Holland
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" set of perforated and imperforated Souvenir Sheet
Issue Notice:
  • Also a New issue of Souvenir Sheet 76 with additional exhibition emblems, but without specifying the issue sale price at the lower block edge are exist
  • Souvenir Sheets without Digit Control Number are known

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