Odr.; Wmk 7; perf. K12 1/2
FDC(I), Issue date: 02/04/1976
Picture descriptions:
sa) Three-toed gold-backed woodpecker (Dinopium javanense)
sb) Grief-collar beak Cuckoo (Phoenicophaeus aristis)
sc) white-bellied Sticheltimalie (Pomatorhinus hypoleucos)
sd) Grünkitta (Cissa chinensis)
805 1 B multicolored sa
806 1.50 B multicolored sb
807 3 B multicolored sc
808 4 B multicolored sd
Quantity FDC(I): 4,000 pieces
Designer: Miss Wanpen Bumroongraj and Miss Phongsri Salayacheevin (Post & Telegraph Dept.)
Printer: Suomen Pankin Setelipation Bank of Finland Security Printing House; finland
Conservation Status:
Here as a FDC (Version I) with first day postmark
Issue Notice: