Opr. (4x5); A = perf. K 14 1/2: 14; B = imperforated
Album Sheet, Publication date: 2.4.2011
Picture descriptions:
dpu) sandstone relief
dpv) ruins of the temple towers
dpw) main entrance
dpx) facing the water basin
3022 A 3 B multicolored dpu
3023 A 3 B multicolored dpv
3024 A 3 B multicolored dpw
3025 A 3 B multicolored dpx
Quantity SB(I): 1,000 pieces
Designer: Mayuree Narknisorn (Thailand Post Company Limited)
Printer: Thai British Security Printing Public Company Limited, Thailand
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (**)" perforated Set on Album Sheet
Issue Notice:
- Souvenir Sheet 263 was issued with a 3-digit and 4-digit serial number.